2020 First Tee Core Value Awards

This fall, the Junior Tour awarded the following participants with the 2020 Junior Tour Core Value Award.

Those awarded were nominated by our staff and volunteers, as well as their peers for embodying the core values of First Tee. Congratulations to these six deserving participants!

Nikki Chindavong is truly a shining example of the values of the First Tee. She has high integrity, is responsible, always courteous to her fellow competitors, and displays a respectful confidence that makes us all proud. Players always note how nice it is to play with Nikki. One nominee wrote, “She is a great player and has a great attitude on and off the course. She is encouraging to new players and fun to be around.”

Emily Cho is always respectful to our staff and volunteers. When she arrives at the golf course, she is confident, courteous to all, and pleasant to be around. On the nomination forms, fellow golfers noted “Emily is always enthusiastic and positive about golf. She is always kind to her fellow competitors. I really enjoy playing with her because she is honest and always has good sportsmanship.”

Anshul Mohan is truly a shining example of the values of The First Tee. He has high integrity, is very responsible, always courteous to the tournament directors and his fellow competitors and displays a quiet confidence that makes us all proud. Other players always note how nice it is to play with Anshul. He is friendly to all and respectful of the rules and a sportsman to all the other players. He impresses everyone with whom he plays, both with his golf skills and his graciousness.  

Kaylyn Noh has been a member of the Junior Tour for many years. During that time, she has made a sincere impression on our volunteers, staff, and board members. One of our volunteers noted: “Kaylyn is a delight on the golf course. She always encourages her other golfing partners and shows the utmost of courtesy while playing. She perseveres when faced with adverse conditions.” A fellow player noted, “Kaylyn is so positive whenever I play with her. She has an amazing attitude. She has great sportsmanship and leadership skills.” 

Griffin Smith is the kind of person who comes to the golf course, goes about his business, and treats others with kindness and a positive sincere attitude. He has been a member of the Junior Tour for many years and has endeared himself to our staff and volunteers. One nominator noted: “He is a nice and considerate person to play with. He is honest with this score and perseveres through tough situations.” When volunteering for our U.S. Kids Golf program, he always shows up on time and works hard to do any task asked of him.

Ibrahim Soumahoro was nominated by Junior Tour staff & volunteers for always exuding the highest level of sportsmanship, being responsible, showing respect and courtesy to the tournament directors and his fellow competitors, and living with integrity—all these values will take him far in life. Ibrahim was noted for his encouraging personality and confident speaking ability. Ibrahim is a very deserving recipient of this year’s Core Value Award.

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