How to Play a Knockdown Shot – Haggin Oaks Tips

A knockdown shot keeps your ball low and out of any high winds

When it gets windy, you want to keep your ball low and out of the strong winds. The perfect way to do that is with a knockdown shot! Don’t know how? Mike Woods is here to teach you how.

A knockdown shot will be a little shorter than your normal swing, but it will put less spin on your ball and keep it lower and out of those game-ruining winds.

Playing a knockdown shot is simple. First, move your grip down an extra inch on the club to make it a little shorter. Second, play the ball further back in your stance to deloft the club. The last thing to do is to hold your balance when following-through. If you do all this properly, your knockdown shot should fly low towards your target!

Looking for more golf tips? Make sure to subscribe to Morton Golf Sales on YouTube for more Haggin Oaks Tips!

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