Our own Jennifer Morton will be providing live coverage here on this blog, GolfintheCityBlog.com during the Haggin Oaks Golf Expo. She plans on bringing you pictures, tips and tricks from her time out at Haggin Oaks seeing and experiencing all there is to find. Follow this blog all weekend long for exclusive contests and giveaways. I already have some Titleist Pro V1s set aside to give away to several lucky readers this weekend!
We want your help too! Send Jennifer your pictures and comments from the show via email at jmorton@hagginoaks.com or post them here on our blog! We’ll post photos and comments here and on our Facebook page, Facebook.com/HagginOaks
We want to hear from you!
Go to our website, www.HagginOaksGolfExpo.com for more information on “America’s Largest Demo Days!”
“LIKE” us on Facebook! Click HERE to join the Haggin Oaks Golf Expo event page on Facebook and get the latest updates on the show!
Follow us on Twitter (twitter.com/hagginoaks) and use hashtag #HOGE12 for specific details on the 2012 Haggin Oaks Golf Expo!