This weekly feature is all about you – your stories, your special accomplishments, your tournament results, and your golf news! This week we feature articles about Scott McCarren, country music star, Jason Michael Carroll, and more!
If you have a story you would like to submit, please send it to Jennifer Morton at All contributions need to be received by Monday to be considered for publication by Wednesday.

Tour Edge Staff Player Scott McCarron Captures 2019 Charles Schwab Cup
Sacramento native, Scott McCarron, wins the 2019 Charles Schwab Cup to bring an epic season to a close as he finishes out the year. Read the full article here.

Local Stories: PGA Tour Vet Ron Cerrudo Looks Back On The State Fair Championship… and Losing Despite Making An Eagle in a Playoff
“Ron Cerrudo remembers both the 1964 and 1965 California State Fair Men’s Amateur Championships like it was just yesterday…”
The Ties That Bind – Former Marine & Country Music Star Jason Michael Carroll Pays It Forward Through Golf
“Jason Michael Carroll had just gotten out of the U.S. Marine Corps, after serving for four years, when he joined some of his dad’s friends for golf one day…”
Sacramento Golfer Continues to Golf Despite Being Legally Blind
“Peter Stathos did not stop playing golf after being diagnosed with macular degeneration five years ago. Stathos, at one time a scratch player in the Sacramento area, continued in the game despite being legally blind…”

Sacramento’s Week in Golf
Sign up for Sacramento’s Week in Golf Newsletter

- Wednesday, November 20, 2019 – Weekly What’s New in Golf Facebook Live With Ken & Jen – 10 am – 10:30 am – Haggin Oaks Golf Complex Facebook Page which you can find here
- Wednesday, November 20, 2019 – New Episode of the Hosel Rockets Podcast – – Click here to find out where you can listen
P.S. Have You Recently Made a Hole-in-One? Let Us Know Here.
Have you recently won a tournament or would you like to submit a special interest story? Let us know by sending an email to