Enquiring Minds Want to Know . . .
Let’s WELCOME Gage Sorenson to the Tournament TEAM at Morton Golf.
Gage Sorenson started his new position as a Tournament Coordinator approximately one month ago.
He has proven to be a self-starter and an employee that will go the extra mile.
Before starting his position at Haggin Oaks, he was employed as a Barista at the HUMAN BEAN Coffee Shop in Rocklin / Citrus Heights.
Gage is a casual golfer that enjoys being around the golf course. He hopes that he will be more competitive among his new co-workers as he continues to practice. In the past, he has played a lot of team sports and feels that the game of golf will continue to help him physically and mentally with his new challenges.
Gage is a College Graduate of Sac State University and is now going to Graduate School on-line at Gonzaga University in Sports & Athletic Administration.
When Gage is not working at Morton Golf or taking classes online, he enjoys weight training in the gym, watching movies, and going to live concerts with friends.
Take a minute, stop by the Pro Shop and introduce yourself to Gage.
He posts an inspirational or a movie quote on his bulletin board every day.
Check out what today’s passage is.
Continued good luck, Gage. Morton Golf is a wonderful place to work.