The Haggin Oaks Golf Shop – A Look Back in Time

My son, Brandon, recently found some old photos buried deep in our garage. Included in this container of various odds and ends was a photo book that detailed the construction of the original Haggin Oaks Pro Shop and Restaurant back in 1954. I thought the photos were a fun memento of a time gone by, and I wanted to share them with our viewers.

I took a trip out to the golf course with my camera and the original set of photos. My goal was to line the original photos up as close as I could to the same area of the Haggin Oaks Pro Shop as it looks today. I then took a picture of the result. Check out these pictures to see how much has changed as well as how much has stayed the same over the years.

I want to mention that I got the idea for this blog post from a very cool website called Dear Photograph, – if you have never seen this website, then it is definitely worth a look! The website has a theme where you “take a picture of a picture from the past in the present.” Pretty appropriate description of this blog post.

And now I present Haggin Oaks… Past and Present!

The Dedication: 


Golf Course opened October 1, 1932. This clubhouse completed 1954 and dedicated October 1, 1955 by the City of Sacramento to the enjoyment and recreation of the citizens of the community. 

H.H. Hendren, Mayor
Clarence L. Azevedo    Albert A. Marty
E.A. Bahnfleth         Edgar A. Sayre, Jr.  
N.G. Culjis            Frank H. Seymour 
Bert Geisreiter        Leslie E. Wood 

Bartley W. Cavanaugh, City Manager 

R.G. Renfree Director of Recreation and Parks

1954: A great shot of the workers taking a break. The flower bed has been built and this is where the steps are now leading up to MacKenzie’s Sports Bar and Grille.

2012: The flower box is still there!
1954: The front entrance to the original pro shop looks remarkably similar to today.
2012: The plaque on the right hand side of this picture details the construction of the building. I thought it appropriate to include in the pictures, don’t you?
1954: The back corner of the building looks the same, minus a few pipes, landscaping and an air conditioning unit.
2012: Some things don’t change much after 55+ years. This back corner office is a good example of that fact!
1954: The original back of the pro shop was simple and had lots of windows. Check out the car in the background!
2012: The Haggin Oaks Repair Center and garage were added after the original construction.
1954: The restaurant had large flower beds built in front.
2012: The restaurant side of the building has undergone a major remodel and is much bigger and now includes an outdoor patio for additional seating.
1954: Here is a shot of the side of the restaurant and includes a massive chimney that still stands there today. I have been going out to the golf course for many years now, and I don’t think I ever noticed the chimney before!  How bad is that?
2012: Yep! There it is – the chimney with no fireplace. Has anyone else not seen this before or is it just me? 
1954: Look at how barren the land is behind the pro shop! There is no freeway, no Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop, and no other buildings in the background.
2012: Today the photo paints quite a different picture. I can see both the Haggin Oaks Super Shop and the Driving Range in the background. I don’t see the Capital City Freeway… but I know it is there!
1954: A trio of workers take a break from construction.
2012:  There are a few minor changes, but the front of the building looks remarkably the same today.
1954:  The front of the Haggin Oaks Pro Shop and the breezeway hasn’t changed much over the years.
2012:  New windows and the Haggin Oaks Pavilion in the background are the only major changes in this view.


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