Volunteer Profile: Charles Barnes

Charles Barnes has been a Cart Barn Attendant at William Land Golf Course since fall, 2021.

Before coming to William Land Golf Course as a Volunteer, Charles was employed with Kaiser Hospital for 14 years.

When he was 16 years old, living in San Antonio, TX, a friend of his owned an 18-hole golf course. He let Charles play for free and he was hooked on the game.

Charles did not have any lessons growing up. He is self-taught and enjoys the game for recreation.

Charles has 2 sons that are the highlights of his life. One son is 33 years old and the other is 6 years old. His 2 sons are his Pride & Joy.

When he is not volunteering at William Land Golf Course he enjoys playing golf with his 6-year-old son. His 6-year old son was the Sacramento area Championship in the U.S. Kids golf program.

Charles, thanks for all you continue to do at William Land Golf Course!

If you’d like to be a featured employee/volunteer on our blog, email Jane Siebers: jsiebers@hagginoaks.com.

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